Monday, March 23, 2009

Letter from the Brubaker Family to the Bowling Green group:

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

I’d like to share a little bit about CSA history so you all can have a better idea about what’s going on on Jeannie’s porch this spring through fall. The first CSA that we know of was in Japan. A group of women contracted with a local farmer to grow pesticide-free food for their group. They were concerned about the increasing percentage of food that was imported, processed and grown with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The first CSA in the United States was organized in 1986. Historically, members paid in advance to fund the farm’s necessary expenses. This is a better arrangement for the farmer than to borrow all this money and pay interest on it then be reimbursed (or not) later.

Golden Rule Gardens is run by the Thomas Brubaker family. With so many concerns in our time about food sources we feel moved to make an effort to grow food organically. Our goal is to grow food that we can all feel good about. There are experiences that we know about where children in school could study and behave better - and adults felt better when their diet was changed from a conventional American diet to foods that were grown and prepared in the ways that were more common 200 years ago…

In light of the economical changes we are facing we feel it could be beneficial to many of us if we could support each other more locally.

We believe it is our responsibility to care for God’s creation and have come to believe we can best serve our Lord as farmers by growing organically. I found a quote I really like by Pope John Paul II that I’d like to share, “It is the duty of all Christians and all who look to God as the Creator to protect the environment by restoring a sense of reverence for the whole of God’s creation…All have a moral duty to care for the environment not only for their own good but also the good of future generations.”

We are very grateful to Jeannie Spears for so graciously hosting Golden Rule Gardens CSA. This arrangement has potential to be very helpful to our farm and family, and we hope is beneficial to you as well. – So let’s remember the Golden Rule and: Do unto others as we would have them do unto us!

God Bless,
The Thomas Brubaker Family